Baby & Toddler Chiropractic

Tiny Ones.

Entering the world can be challenging for a newborn, and various stages of pregnancy and labour can place stress on the baby’s delicate spine and nervous system. Situations such as intrauterine constraint, breech positioning, back-to-back delivery, umbilical cord around the neck, or assisted deliveries with forceps, ventouse, or caesarean section may all contribute to strain that a chiropractic check-up can help address.

Our gentle, specialised approach supports healthy development and helps ensure your baby’s nervous system is in balance.


A baby’s body grows and develops at an extraordinary rate; in the first two years, 90% of their neurological foundation is established.

Clear communication between the brain and body is essential during this critical period. Chiropractic care can support optimal development, helping your child reach growth milestones and ensuring they get the healthiest start in life.