Despite the ongoing pandemic, we understand that life continues along with its usual aches and pains. We want to let you know what we are doing here at TWCC to keep you safe when you come to see us. Following advice from Public Health England, we are putting extra measures in place to keep our clients and staff as safe and healthy as possible.
What we are doing:
- In addition to our already regular cleaning schedule, we are frequently disinfecting surfaces throughout the clinic. We use disposable paper towels rather than cleaning cloths.
- Treatment tables and equipment is cleaned after every appointment.
- Clients are asked to wear a mask (unless medically exempt), and to sanitise their hands before entering the clinic.
- All our team members wash and disinfect their hands thoroughly throughout the day, and in between appointments.
- Practitioners now wear scrubs and PPE including gloves, masks, and aprons. Gloves and aprons are changed after each appointment.
- Every client is sent a Covid-19 Screening form before each appointment, and asked not to attend if they or a member of their household is unwell.
- We have removed all magazines, books and toys from the waiting area.
- We have gone contactless and paperless (almost)! We encourage clients to pay using contactless where possible. The contactless limit has been raised to £45. We have also made our New Patient forms digital, and ask clients to fill them in online before the appointment. This is to minimise the time spent in the waiting room.
- We have limited the number of clients we see each day, and introduced cleaning breaks between each appointment.
- We have rearranged our waiting rooms, to aid social distancing. Surfaces in the waiting room are cleaned between each client.
- We have put up perspex screens at the reception desks.
If you have any questions, or want to know more about the precautions we are taking, get in touch. Call us on 01580 890418, or send an email to and we will be happy to discuss it with you further.