Sciatica and Trapped Nerve Pain

Treatment for sciatica

Individual nerves branch out from each level of the spine to supply muscles and organs throughout the body. Along their paths, these nerves can sometimes become irritated or compressed, leading to specific symptoms depending on the affected nerve. Common symptoms include pain radiating down the arms or legs, numbness, tingling, weakness, or even muscle wastage.

Sciatica, the most common form of spinal nerve entrapment, varies in intensity and is often caused by disc herniation or degenerative joint changes that press on the nerve as it exits the lower lumbar spine. At Staplehurst Chiropractic, we conduct thorough assessments to pinpoint the exact source of nerve entrapment, allowing us to provide an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. If further investigation is required, we facilitate the appropriate referrals.

Our chiropractic care, combined with techniques to relieve nerve pressure, has proven effective in treating conditions such as sciatica. In addition to hands-on treatment, we offer advice and prescribe daily exercises, empowering you to manage the condition at home and support the body’s natural healing process.

While MRI scans can be helpful, they’re most effective when combined with a thorough examination and medical history. Your chiropractor will assess all findings to determine whether your pain is related to a disc issue or if the MRI reveals something incidental, unrelated to your current symptoms. This comprehensive approach ensures an accurate understanding of the true cause of your discomfort.


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